Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Guest Blog: Gili Shark Conservation – 7 Ways to Pursue Your Dream of Getting a Job in Marine Conservation

Gili Shark Conservation’s guest blog gives you lots of really useful advice to help you land your dream job in marine conservation. While you might not be able to do all these activities during this period of social distancing and self-isolation there’s plenty you can be getting on with.
Find out more about how you can join Gili Shark Conservation on their expedition page.

We know it can be a struggle to find the right door leading to a job within marine conservation. That’s why we’ve asked previous volunteers with Gili Shark Conservation for advice. They have all experienced how hard it can be to get your dream job in marine conservation, but they all made it. So, let’s open up for some of their secrets on how to pursue a career in marine conservation.

1. Be Passionate

First thing you need to do, is to ask yourself – do I really want to work with marine conservation? As a marine conservationist, the prospects of getting wealthy are basically non-existent. That’s why a genuine passion for what you do is the most important thing!

If you are not doubting for one second that marine conservation will be the right path for you, but you are unsure of how to achieve it, then keep reading.

You can gain experience with marine conservation in many different ways. Know which direction you want to go but don’t be afraid of trying something which isn’t directly related to your specialty.

2. Keep Your Eyes Open For Opportunities

If you want to pursue a career in marine conservation, you will have to actively seek it.

Try to find as many forums, email lists and Facebook groups you can and keep your eyes on them daily for any job opportunities, interesting projects, internships or volunteer work. Don’t be afraid to apply for anything. – Addie – Research Technician at Western Australia scientific non-lethal SMART drumline trial

When finding groups or forums, you’ll want them to fall within your passion. The group doesn’t have to post exclusively for job, internship or volunteer opportunities. If you see a post from an organization that interests you, then contact them regardless of what they are posting.

Try to think about making connections rather than finding a job, internship or volunteer opportunity. New opportunities will naturally present themselves when you expand your network.

Also, remember that looking for a job can be a full-time job in itself. If you really want to find your dream job within marine conservation, then there’s no time for being lazy.

In Gili Air, Indonesia, you can volunteer with Gili Shark Conservation, which will give you experience with marine conservation

3. Decide Your Expertise, But Don’t Be Picky

If you are a marine scientist, it might be helpful at the beginning of pursuing your dream not to limit yourself too much.

My professor once told me that science comes before the species. If you want to research sharks for example, then getting a job with freshwater fish is as good. Employers want to know that you can work in the field. – Griffin – Intern at Bimini Shark Lab

Try to keep a holistic approach and remember that even if you are working with, for example, coral reefs, it will still benefit the conservation of sharks. They are part of the same ecosystem after all.

Still, it’s a good idea to position yourself and make your expertise clear. This might be more relevant later in your journey, but it’s good to have an idea about where you want to be heading. Once you’ve built both experience and expertise, you will have a strong profile to present to potential employers.

You can gain experience with marine conservation in many different ways. Know which direction you want to go but don’t be afraid of trying something which isn’t directly related to your specialty.

4. Go Diving!

If you want to understand the world of marine conservation, the best way is to indulge yourself in the saltiness of the sea.

I would say diving is not imperative, but being a dive professional has definitely helped me get where I am today. As a diver, you can see first-hand how marine life is affected by human activity and that way your passion grows and is more contagious to others. – Peta – Community Coordinator at Project Aware

Try to consider taking diving to the next level and become a dive professional. You will gain invaluable experience if you devote two months of your time to be a divemaster.

Finding a way to volunteer or intern will give you necessary experience to find a real job with marine conservation

5. Create An Opportunity For Yourself

Are you worried about how to get your dream job in marine conservation because you don’t have a background in marine science? No problem, you can still make it! You can always start your own project that falls within marine conservation.

Where there is a need (which there definitely is), there is an opening”. – Tess –founder Species Speak

Several people advise not to wait for the opportunity to present itself; instead, make it happen. Suggest yourself on projects, come up with your own project and make sure to keep expanding your network.

6. Find Opportunities To Volunteer And Intern

The most repeated advice is undoubtedly to get experience from volunteering or interning. Find an established marine conservation organization to gain experience with from the field. Make sure to seize every opportunity you have while studying to go out and get experience.

A degree won’t get you a job, that’s only half the part! – Stephanie – field assistant at CSIRO

Even when the ocean is where your passion lies, different kinds of experience will be equally helpful. Marine conservation is not only about what’s below the surface. Marine conservation is about working with communities and people from all different walks of life. If it wasn’t so, the purpose of marine conservation would be defeated.

Finding a way to volunteer or intern will give you necessary experience to find a real job with marine conservation

7. Don’t Give Up!

To round things up we’d like to encourage you not to give up. The chance that you will get your dream job in marine conservation, with your first job application, is small. The ride might be bumpy, but we promise that your efforts will get rewarded if you keep trying. Try to look at the journey as the goal in itself. Every step on the road will be an opportunity to gain experience and learn something new. Eventually, everything will mount into a career in marine conservation.

You have a genuine passion, if you aren’t doubting for one second that working in marine conservation is the right thing

Thanks For Your Passion

Before you start putting all these advice into action, we’d like to say thank you! Thanks for your passion. The world needs people like you, who are ready to make a change for the better. Every droplet of sweat shed from trying to pursue your passion is worthy of respect!

Are you looking for experience in the field of marine conservation? Join Gili Shark Conservation. All our participants get trained as scientific divers and become part of our research team.

Originally published here

from WiseOceans blog – WiseOceans https://ift.tt/2wxZxiV https://ift.tt/2J8giE7

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